Looking for proofreaders for my upcoming webmaster book

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Looking for proofreaders for my upcoming webmaster book

Post by Mike »

I'm currently working on a book that will teach people how to make websites using only a plain text editor like Notepad. I'm looking for family and friends who would be interested in proofreading it. I'm pretty sure I've got the spelling and grammar mistakes taken care of though another pair of eyes would be helpful. What I really need is people to go through the book and tell me where I need to explain things more, if I've overexplained things, or if I haven't mentioned something because I took for granted that you would know it.

Knowing how to make websites isn't necessary. Some programming knowledge might be helpful but it's not necessary. As I state in the book, I only make three assumptions about the reader. If these three are true for you then you're qualified to proofread my book.

1) You're familiar with websites, how they should look, the different parts like navigation sections, that sort of thing.
2) You're familiar with the browser of your choice. That is, you can surf the web, know how to add sites to your favorites, that sort of thing.
3) You can browse files on your computer. You know File Explorer for Windows and/or Finder for Mac.

If you're a friend or family member and you're interested in proofreading the book, please PM me here. Thanks.
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